Digital premium Berlin

Digital premium Berlin

Digital bonus in Berlin The newly launched “Digital bonus Berlin” support program gives entrepreneurs in Berlin the opportunity to have their way into digitization subsidized again. In this way, competitive advantages are expanded and the future of companies in...
Founder bonus Berlin

Founder bonus Berlin

Gründerbonus Berlin The call was aimed at founders whose business model relates to the development and production of new applications, products, services, methods or processes or those that are not yet established on the market. Founders must have a...
Digitization in Lower Saxony

Digitization in Lower Saxony

Digitization in Lower Saxony The aim is to make it easier for companies to decide to invest in digitization. Companies willing to invest should primarily invest in their digital equipment and focus on IT security. One...
Funding gastronomy

Funding gastronomy

Subsidy program for restaurants All restaurant operators in Hesse have the opportunity until October 12, 2022 to receive a subsidy for upcoming investments. Especially for companies that have carried out long-term planning, such a...