Digital premium in Berlin

Thanks to the newly launched "Digital Bonus Berlin" funding program, entrepreneurs in Berlin once again have the opportunity to have their way into digitization subsidized. In this way, competitive advantages are expanded and the future of companies in Berlin is secured. You can apply at any time!

Who is sponsored?

delivery height:

  • Micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • solo self-employed
  • Freelancer: inside 
  • Nonprofit Businesses

Funding rate of 50 %

Maximum funding amount: €17,000.00

What is funded:

Digitization of work and production processes

  • Acquisition of a CAM system
  • Digital merchandise management system
  • Digital POS system
  • 3D printing system
  • Operational internet of things platform

Digitization of management processes

  • Digital timekeeping
  • management information system
  • Acquisition of a CRM system
  • document management system
  • Digital payroll accounting

Acquisition of hardware and software

  • IT security infrastructure
  • Digital data storage and backup
  • Digital business premises security
  • Penetration testing of IT systems and certification
  • Information Security Management System (ISMS)


If you want to know more about the topic, feel free to contact me.


Why work with a grant advisor?

Most companies do not have the time to deal with the funding programs and their guidelines. Comparing the guidelines with the project ideas is usually not part of the planning. Later in the implementation phase, no project manager will normally be happy to compare every adjustment to the project with the submitted applications and report them accordingly. Conversely, however, every entrepreneur would like to win the non-repayable grants for themselves!

It is therefore the task of a funding advisor:

  • Identify funding programs
  • Assess eligibility
  • to create applications
  • Responsible for administrative management throughout the project
  • Notify the sponsor of any adjustments
  • Ensuring that all formal conditions are met and the grants are paid

legal entitlement to funding

There is almost no legal entitlement to any funding that is applied for. An exception here is the Innovation Promotion Act of the Federal Republic of Germany. There is a legal entitlement to a subsidy of up to €1 million per year. Funding is primarily provided for personnel costs that have been pursued in an activity that can be defined as innovative.

Link to the call for funding

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