GRW promotion

The joint task for improving regional economic structures serves to subsidize the investment power in structurally weak regions. The general aim is to create additional income in the regions defined as structurally weak. This form of regional funding has been expanded nationwide since 2020. Which is of particular benefit to regions such as the former coal areas. This is one of the reasons why a review of eligibility for GRW funding should be assigned a separate role. In addition to the classification into the corresponding development areas of a business premises, the respective project is also important. Projects in the area of infrastructure can be mentioned here as an example, some of which have funding quotas of up to 95 %.

Board Chalk Business

Typical investment examples:

  • Subsidy of up to 20 % of the investment costs for projects that secure jobs
  • up to 30 % subsidy when setting up a permanent establishment
  • up to 30 % subsidy when adapting a production process
  • up to 80 % (max. €150,000) for the construction and expansion of communication links or commercial centers

These are just a few examples of GRW funding from different regions. You are welcome to contact me to check the eligibility of your project.


A general requirement is difficult to name in most cases. The reason is the individual possibility of adapting individual federal states. Requirements, such as minimum sales volume, but also the sectors eligible for funding are specifically defined by the respective federal states. The Saarland is a very good example to describe the variance in the interpretation of the criteria. In Saarland, an investment subsidy is also available to areas that are generally not eligible for funding.  

If you need help applying or researching a suitable funding program, I will be happy to help you.


If you need help applying or researching a suitable funding program,
I'd be happy to help you with that.
